holà, i'm naël

I'm a full time Product designer and moonlight Indie hacker. 🌖

Scroll to see what I do 👇🏽

Product Design

I break down complex problems and turn them into experiences that connect user needs with business goals.

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Indie hacking

I identify product opportunities, build solutions using code or no-code and market them online.

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ppl say this about my work

Here's what previous team members, clients and employers have to say about me.

Naël is an excellent designer! His contribution to the Irawo media was such that our community has repeatedly praised the talent behind the works.


LOVE IT! I tried the Pineapple Fuel and immediately fell in love. It tasted like I juiced it myself, except it's 10x better.


LOVE IT! I tried the Pineapple Fuel and immediately fell in love. It tasted like I juiced it myself, except it's 10x better.


what about you

I'd love to hear what brings you here. Drop me an email or Twitter DM if you'd like to chat.


Naël Mahouton

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